Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tattoo, musings

Song of the day: Nausea, Beck

Just thought I would show a picture or two of this doodle I did today on my palm. It's a woman holding onto a heart balloon, and the string follows the curve (line?) of my palm. Might be a pretty tattoo to have. I don't know if I've written about tattoos I'd like to have. I'm not the sort of person to just get one to have it, but I'm not opposed to having them at all. They would just need to be meaningful to me; have a reason behind them, one I know I wouldn't regret much alter in life. I think tattooing a plain black heart on the sole of my foot (at the heel) would be as awesome as it gets. Because then no one but you would know you had it, but you could also see it whenever you wished. But I think the soles of the feet are un-tattoo-able, because the skin is so thick down there. But it would be so awesome. It would also be nice to have something small in the groove between your thumb and forefinger. I would imagine it hurt a lot more, because the skin is so thin there, but I like the space a bunch. I go for roads less traveled, eh?

I haven't been writing here a lot, not just because I've been busy (which I certainly have been),  but also because I've started a journal/diary, and that gets out a lot of what I might be tempted to write here. But it's a lot harder to get media into paper than the fibers of the web. I'll always be here. Even after death, which could totally bring me into a tangent if my legs hadn't fallen asleep because of the awkward position I'm in and because I'm running out of time. But think about it. These words can be deleted only by me, really. And I can't delete them if I'm dead. Morbid. I could swoop out of this if I had the time. Possibly to be continued...?


  1. haha deep. that hand doodle is really kewl though :) and i actually do think it's possible to get tatoos between the fingers... I think...

  2. i just looked it up... it is. but ont he bottoms of feet, not so much. it just fades away in a week or so. :(
