Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Blackberry Crown, a New Beginning

Song of the day: All Along the Watchtower, Jimi Hendrix (cover) 

It's a day before school starts. Before high school starts. Cliched or not, the first day of high school is going to change my life. It may not mean everything, but it sure means a lot. I'm going to change, my mind is going to change, my attitude, my looks, my social standing. Maybe I care, maybe I don't. All the same, I'm going to record it on this blog. I've had it sitting around for a while, just waiting for the right time to write my first post on it. Now seems right, especially since Flower just released her own new blog.
So here's to new beginnings. This one is called Blackberry Crowns. My childhood is filled with blackberry bushes, with cars pulled off to the sides of roads to grab ourselves handfuls of berries and stain our shirts with abandon. Blackberries are childhood to me. Funny, when I was younger, I couldn't stand the sweet ones. I would always pick the underripe ones, so I could be sure they were sour as I liked. We have a blackberry bush in our country house, which I still pluck berries from, gingerly. Gingerly because like so many other good things, blackberries have wicked thorns. So I've got blackberries for the memories of childhood, and the ongoing enactment of such pleasures, and crowns for the beauty, responsibility, and handled weight and pain.
A crown is something regal, a symbol that tells you that the wearer is worthy of--something. This gives the wearer responsibility. The crown can weigh on the wearer's head, if worn right, and my crown is made of blackberries. That's why my hair is so dark. It is stained with the juice of the blackberries twined together on my crown. The crown is sometimes very sharp, and sticks me with its thorns, but like I said before, with good things there are often tradeoffs. My blackberry crown will bind me and free me. It will keep me sane yet allow me to let myself go insane for a little while. It will help remind me to do what I must do and think what I must think. Without it I would not be Lola, and I think everybody has a blackberry crown, but not too many of them are made out of blackberries, like mine. What's your crown made from?
Maybe you don't know yet, maybe you'll find out now that you start looking. Tomorrow fills me with anticipation, not all of it good, not all of it bad. Hey, I may be acting dramatically, but this is my blog, so deal. See you next time a post comes round.



  1. very nice lola. LOVE the name; its beautiful even without the story behind it.
    I have a good feeling about this! :)
